In my hunt for homemade laundry detergent I came across this recipe for homemade dishwashing detergent. All of the recipes I could find used lemon juice concentrate, but to ensure the all natural ingredients I replaced lemon juice with lemon essential oil. You can save money by purchasing a starting kit which includes a home diffuser (valued at $98.68) and 11 essential oils (including lemon and thieves which is used in this recipe)! Click here if you're interested.
Here's what you'll need
- Borax- 1 cup
- Washing soda- 1 cup
- Epsom salt- 1/2 cup
- Water- 1/2 cup
- Lemon essential oil- 20 drops
- Thieves essential oil- 10 drops
- Ice cup trays- 3
- Air tight container to store pods in- I used old drink glass that tea came in
Mix borax, washing soda, and epsom salt in a large bowl. Add water to measuring cup and add essentials oils. Next add water/oil to dry ingredients. Once you mix well, add mixture to ice cup trays and let sit over night. Once they have the chance to harden pop out of the tray and store in air tight container.
Use one pod per wash. I also add white vinegar as a rinse agent.
Do you have to have thieves?